Chetwoods staff joined colleagues from Cundalls and the UK Green Building Council at rallies in London and Birmingham last Friday as part of the #GlobalClimateStrike #FridaysforFuture.  We wore T-Shirts to illustrate Chetwoods Thrive Design Drivers, which have been created to help ensure we have a more rigorous way of looking at sustainability at every stage of every project we work on; the shirts also highlighted key statistics and facts on climate change.

In the words of Laurie Chetwood: “The Climate Crisis is an issue for the whole of humanity, not just school children. We believe that those in our profession can offer holistic thinking like no other profession and we believe that now is the time to prove it.

“Whilst the pioneering few are seeing the benefits of sustainable design, other clients still will not see past the bottom line and this is where we need incentives (carrot) and legislation (stick) from our country’s leaders to speed up the transition. We invite all to join us and participate in the global action.”

Chetwoods Design Drivers
Chetwoods Design Drivers