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E-Hive2 Urban Logistics Hub Read text
E-Hive2 Urban Logistics Hub View images

A concept design for an urban logistics ‘Shed of the Future Last Mile Delivery’ mixed-use scheme.

The E-Hive2 Shed of the Future concept involves the re-purposing of the redundant multi-storey car parks increasingly seen in today’s urban landscape. It transforms them into new living/working and urban logistics hubs that deliver environmental, social and personal wellbeing. It demonstrates how one of these robust concrete structures, with high embodied energy, can provide a last-mile logistics solution for cities that are facing the challenges of lack of space, environmental pollution and congestion, and housing and feeding growing populations.

E-Hive2 is a multi-purpose adaptable hub.  It incorporates urban logistics solutions; residential units; recreational, cultural and social spaces; retail; places for growing food; and places for creating energy and conserving precious natural resources.

Its construction combines new cladding for the existing structure to actively clean air, create energy and recycle water with a flexible system of hexagonal pods designed to be added and adapted in response to changing needs and uses. The design, structure and materials of each pod are optimised to fulfil its specific purpose within the E-Hive2 community. Its logistics hubs provide a number of new options to manage the ever-increasing demand for just-in-time and last-minute delivery that underpins today’s urban economies.

E-Hive2 is set in biodiverse public realm that integrates with surrounding neighbourhoods and communities by opening up greener routes and connections for people and goods, including new waterway and underground routes and walking and cycle paths.

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