Magnitude 314, designed and delivered by Chetwoods, has been confirmed as the world’s first Net Zero Carbon for Construction verified building, in line with the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework Definition.

The Chetwoods Thrive team are thrilled to have helped to secure this recognition as part of our Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) role with GLP.  We have acted as Sustainability Champion and advisor on the Magnitude 314 logistics building, collating data, conducting materials research and orchestrating supply chain workshops to challenge every component of the GLP specification.

As we pass Earth Overshoot Day, the day when human consumption exceeds the amount of resources our planet can provide in a year, we remind ourselves that we must keep reducing our impact. Fortunately, we are working with clients such as GLP who are determined to do just that.

Thrive are tenacious and optimistic. We believe we can make sustainability simple in the delivery of buildings, events, products and the operations of a business. We have the mindset – once you have it you can’t lose it, it applies to everything.

Magnitude 314 is the latest logistics development that Chetwoods logistics team has designed and delivered for GLP.  We have worked in partnership with GLP for over thirty years to pioneer the design of the sustainable logistics warehouse developments for which both companies are renowned.

This collaboration has developed innovative approaches and solutions and we continue to push boundaries.  More on this to follow.